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Enroll in Services

When you come for your initial appointment, please bring:
- Insurance card
- Proof of income (if you would like to qualify for our sliding fee scale)
- ID, if you have one
- Prescriptions
All clients that go through the intake process receive a copy of our patient handbook, which includes the agency’sgrievance procedure and a copy of the Consumer Rights and Responsibilities.
What to Expect:
Once you check in at the front desk, you will meet with a patient access representative to review your insurance and demographic information to ensure it is correct. You may be asked to fill out additional paperwork. In order to respect the dignity of all patients, we ask each patient for preferred names and pronouns.
All CrescentCare sites will serve anyone who comes to us for care, regardless of their ability to pay or their insurance status. Cost should not be a barrier to your healthcare. Cost for services will vary based on the services provided, insurance status, income, household composition, and other factors.
We offer a sliding discount on fees for CrescentCare services to people who qualify. Discounts are available to families whose household income is at or below 200% of the Federal Government’s Poverty Guidelines (FGPG) (updated annually).
We define family as individuals who describe and present themselves as a family for services, regardless of actual or perceived marital status, sexual orientation or gender identity. A family may be a group of related or unrelated persons who share living arrangements, expenses, and income.